Dick Van Dyke’s Supermarket Serenade: Hollywood Legend Turns Grocery Runs into Musical Extravaganzas


In a delightful revelation during CBS’s 98 Years of Magic tribute, Jane Seymour shares the charming story of encountering Dick Van Dyke turning a routine visit to the local grocery store into a spontaneous musical showcase. Discover the Hollywood legend’s unique way of bringing joy to the mundane.

Supermarket Serenades and Spontaneous Performances:

Jane Seymour describes the magic she witnessed when Dick Van Dyke, at 98 years old, broke into song and dance at their neighborhood convenience store. Van Dyke, known for his legendary career, turned grocery runs into impromptu performances, creating unforgettable moments for lucky onlookers.

Friendship Beyond the Screen:

Seymour and Van Dyke, who co-starred in 2018’s Buttons: A Christmas Tale, share a heartwarming friendship. The duo was recently seen celebrating Halloween together, showcasing the actor’s flair for creating an impressive haunted house. Seymour praises Van Dyke’s dedication to turning every occasion into a full-on production.

Staying Sharp at 98:

As Van Dyke approaches his 98th birthday, he reveals one of his secrets to staying physically and mentally sharp: regular gym sessions three times a week. His commitment to fitness, supported by wife Arlene Silver, contributes to his impressive well-being, making him feel in better shape than most nonagenarians.

Bittersweet Moments and Hollywood Losses:

While the 98 Years of Magic tribute was filled with joy, Van Dyke expressed bittersweet sentiments, acknowledging the loss of longtime friends like Norman Lear. The Hollywood icon reflects on making new friends and the cherished memories of those who are no longer with him.


A Life of Joy and Gratitude:

Despite the passage of time, Van Dyke remains grateful for life’s simple pleasures. He shares his daily routine, highlighting the loving gestures from his wife in their Southern California home. The Hollywood legend radiates happiness, emphasizing the importance of joy in his daily life.


Dick Van Dyke’s supermarket serenades bring a touch of magic to everyday life, showcasing the enduring spirit of a Hollywood legend. Join us in celebrating the joy he spreads and the remarkable moments that make his life truly extraordinary.

Image Source: Google

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