Cornell University Takes a Stand Against Antisemitic Threats: A Call for Unity and Safety


In a firm stand against hatred and bigotry, Cornell University has responded resolutely to a series of antisemitic threats made against its Jewish community. Over the weekend, the university’s president, Martha E. Pollack, announced an investigation into these reprehensible online messages that specifically targeted the school’s Center for Jewish Living.

The threats, which included violence against Jewish students and the encouragement of harm towards them, surfaced online, raising concerns within the campus community. The incident occurred amidst rising tensions across American college campuses due to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Middle East.

The university swiftly activated security protocols and collaborated closely with New York State police to enhance security measures on campus. New York Governor Kathy Hochul, condemning the threats as acts of terrorism, reassured the community that those responsible would face the full force of the law. She emphasized the state’s commitment to protecting all its citizens and ensuring a safe environment for everyone.

The incident follows a surge in antisemitic incidents across the United States, with a nearly 400% increase reported after the attacks by Hamas on October 7. In response, the Biden administration has announced new initiatives aimed at combating antisemitic incidents on college campuses nationwide.


Cornell University’s police department, in collaboration with the FBI, is diligently investigating the threats, treating them as potential hate crimes. Several usernames used in the threatening posts included the word ‘Hamas,’ adding further weight to the seriousness of the situation.

Approximately 3,000 undergraduate and 500 graduate Jewish students are part of the Cornell community, constituting 22% of the student body. The university has reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring the safety and security of all its students, faculty, and staff, emphasizing that such incidents have no place on their campus.

The threats also follow recent incidents of anti-Israel graffiti found on campus sidewalks, highlighting the need for continued efforts to combat hate in all its forms. Cornell University remains steadfast in its dedication to fostering an inclusive and safe environment for everyone, irrespective of their background or beliefs.

Cornell’s response serves as a powerful reminder that unity, understanding, and solidarity can prevail against hatred. As the university community rallies together, it sends a strong message that antisemitism, or any form of prejudice, will not be tolerated within its walls.

As this incident unfolds, Cornell University stands as a beacon of resilience, reminding us all of the importance of standing up against hatred and embracing diversity in all its forms. Together, we can create a future where acceptance and respect triumph over bigotry and discrimination.

Image Source: Google

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