Leadership Transition at Harvard: Claudine Gay Steps Down, Provost Alan M. Garber Takes the Helm


In a significant announcement, Claudine Gay, Harvard’s 30th president, revealed on Tuesday that she is stepping down from her role. The reins of leadership will now be held by Provost Alan M. Garber, effective immediately, as the university faces an “extraordinary challenge.”

In a heartfelt message to the Harvard community, President Gay expressed the difficulty of her decision and emphasized the need for the institution to navigate this challenging period with a focus on the collective good. She will return to the Harvard faculty, where she has been a professor of government since 2006.

President Gay highlighted the work needed to combat bias and hate, foster a respectful learning environment, and uphold the commitment to open inquiry and free expression. The announcement stirred a mix of emotions within the Harvard community.

The Harvard Corporation, the university’s senior governing body, extended their thanks to President Gay for her unwavering commitment to Harvard’s mission of education and research. They praised her contributions as a leader, teacher, scholar, mentor, and inspiration.


Provost Alan M. Garber, an economist and physician, steps in as the interim president with a focus on advancing the university’s mission and strengthening its foundation. The Corporation expressed gratitude for Garber’s 12 years of distinguished service as provost, emphasizing his broad experience, incisive judgment, and collaborative style.

As the interim leader, Garber looks forward to collaborating with the Harvard community to overcome challenges and build a brighter future. The search for a new president will include extensive community engagement and consultation.

This transitional period marks a moment of reflection for Harvard, and the Corporation appreciates the ongoing commitment of the wider Harvard community to the university’s educational and research mission. Despite external challenges, the university remains dedicated to core values of excellence, inclusiveness, and free inquiry and expression.

Stay informed about the leadership transition at Harvard, the plans for a new president, and the collective efforts to uphold the institution’s mission during this crucial period.

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