Carrie Underwood’s Unforgettable Morning: Behind the Scenes with Her Dedicated Fans


It was an unforgettable morning, one that fans had eagerly anticipated, and I found myself amidst thousands of devoted Carrie Underwood enthusiasts on the TODAY plaza. The excitement in the air was palpable as we gathered at the crack of dawn, all waiting for the country superstar to grace the Citi Concert stage.

Arriving at the TODAY plaza around 6 a.m. on September 14th, I was met with a small but spirited crowd. Clad in denim, rhinestones, and cowboy hats, they wore smiles that spoke of their excitement to witness their queen in action. Many had traveled overnight and arrived at Rockefeller Plaza as early as 1 a.m. I, on the other hand, stumbled over my words, attributing it to the early hour.


“It’s early, I’m still waking up,” I confessed, grateful for the laughter that ensued, as we shared the understanding that comes with early mornings.

However, all it took to fully awaken our spirits was Carrie Underwood herself, who began her soundcheck with the hit song “Church Bells” just ten minutes later. It was a wake-up call like no other, reminding us that her music could replace any alarm clock.

Underwood took a moment between songs to express her amazement at the crowd’s dedication. Twin brothers Brett and Brandon Ilie, along with their friend Mary Morgan, beamed as they shared their long-standing admiration for Underwood. The brothers, residing in New York and San Diego, had been fans since her “American Idol” victory in 2005 when they were just nine years old.


Like so many American households, I also grew up glued to the TV during the heyday of “American Idol,” wondering which talented contestant would take the crown. Carrie Underwood’s journey has been remarkable, from releasing nine studio albums, including her upcoming “Denim & Rhinestones (Deluxe Edition)” album, to earning eight Grammy Awards and becoming the face of “Sunday Night Football.”

As I continued through the crowd, I encountered friends who had met at an Underwood concert in Washington, D.C. Dillon and Tony Parson, in particular, shared a unique engagement story that unfolded during an Underwood concert in 2018. The surprise proposal left Dillon both thrilled and dizzy, but it was a moment they cherished. Underwood’s presence extended to their wedding, with her music and even a cardboard cutout providing the backdrop.

The bond between fans was evident as they formed a denim-rhinestone conga line, celebrating their shared passion for Underwood’s music.

As the morning unfolded, I noticed a heartwarming trend: mother-daughter duos were everywhere. From Ohio to Canada, and even Puerto Rico, these duos had traveled great distances to be part of this special day. Their stories were touching and often held profound significance.


Jana Seiler, from Springfield, Massachusetts, shared how an Underwood concert over a decade ago held a special place in her heart because her mother, who now battles dementia, cherishes that memory. This moment resonated with me deeply, as I too have witnessed the impact of Alzheimer’s on my own family.

The excitement reached its peak as Underwood returned at 8:30 a.m., this time in her dazzling performance outfit. Her songs, including “Out of That Truck,” “She Don’t Know,” and the iconic “Before He Cheats,” carried powerful messages of heartbreak.

During “Before He Cheats,” a young girl in front of me gazed up at Underwood, a mix of thrill and awe in her eyes. It was evident that we were witnessing the next generation of Underwood fans.

The TODAY co-hosts noticed a little girl named Harper, dressed in her Underwood-inspired outfit, holding a sign asking for a hug from the singer. Underwood made her dream come true, leaning in for a heartwarming embrace.

As the morning drew to a close, I couldn’t help but reflect on the magic of music and the enduring connection between artists like Carrie Underwood and their dedicated fans. I looked forward to sharing these heartwarming stories, knowing that they would resonate with fans and music lovers everywhere.

Image Source: Google

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