Emma Roberts Issues Apology to Angelica Ross for Set Incident: A Closer Look


In a notable turn of events, Angelica Ross took to Twitter/X to share that Emma Roberts has reached out to extend her heartfelt apologies for an alleged incident that unfolded on the set of “American Horror Story: 1984.” This revelation comes after Ross initially disclosed the incident during an Instagram Live session, where she referred to “Emma” (revealing only her first name and initials) and recounted a distressing moment where she was intentionally misgendered by Roberts.

In her recent update to her followers, Ross expressed her appreciation for Emma Roberts’ call and acknowledgment of her past behavior, recognizing that it did not align with the principles of an ally. Ross went on to leave the door open for further dialogue, emphasizing the potential for Roberts to actively engage in supporting social justice causes using her platform.

During the initial Instagram Live video, Angelica Ross detailed the incident on the set, where Emma Roberts had been joking around, playfully referring to Ross as “mean” while conversing with an individual named John (likely “AHS” director John J. Gray). Ross, who is transgender, recounted how John intervened, urging them to get back to work. It was in this moment that Emma Roberts allegedly directed a comment towards Ross, suggesting, “Don’t you mean lady?,” insinuating there was only one “lady” between them.

Ross candidly shared her thoughts at that moment, expressing her shock and frustration, as she grappled with the urge to respond while fearing potential repercussions. She pointed out that someone who had previously spoken up about Roberts’ actions faced consequences, not the actress herself.


Reflecting on the incident, Ross revealed that she chose to distance herself from Roberts, ceasing all communication. Roberts eventually noticed the change in Ross’s demeanor and inquired about her well-being. Ross, however, maintained her silence, expressing her resolve not to be manipulated by mind games.

While Ross initially referred to “Emma” without specifying her last name, she later alluded to a person identified as “Ms. E.R.” who had irked multiple cast members during the “American Horror Story: 1984” shoot. This led many social media followers to deduce that Ross was indeed referring to Emma Roberts, prompting Ross to issue additional tweets on the matter.

Ross emphasized the importance of not making jokes about violence towards Emma Roberts, urging followers to focus on discussions around accountability instead. She also disclosed that “Emma” had exhibited transphobic behavior by mimicking her voice during a gathering. This incident left Ross feeling self-conscious about her voice on set.

It’s essential to note that these exchanges occurred on the same day as the premiere of “American Horror Story: Delicate,” marking Emma Roberts’ return to the franchise alongside Kim Kardashian, her first appearance since the “1984” season in 2019. The unfolding conversation sheds light on the complexities within the entertainment industry and the significance of addressing sensitive issues for a more inclusive future.

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