Find the Pizza Planet Truck in Pixar’s Elemental: A Hidden Easter Egg Tradition Continues!


Pixar’s enduring tradition of hiding the Pizza Planet truck in its movies lives on in Elemental, the studio’s latest animated offering in 2023. With 27 movies spanning nearly three decades, Pixar has consistently delighted audiences with original stories, unique worlds, and, of course, the thrill of spotting the Pizza Planet truck as a cherished Easter egg.

This tradition has become a fan-favorite, with each new movie presenting a new challenge to eagle-eyed viewers. Pixar has gone to great lengths to make the truck harder to find, sometimes placing it discreetly in the background or altering its design. Elemental continues this exciting tradition, and we’re here to guide you on where to spot the Pizza Planet truck in this visually stunning film.

The Pizza Planet Truck’s Appearances in Elemental

In Elemental, the Pizza Planet truck makes not one, but two delightful appearances. The first sighting occurs as Ember, the movie’s protagonist, navigates Firetown on her moped to make deliveries. While stuck behind a Treeyota, she speeds past it, racing to beat her father’s delivery time. The Treeyota may not resemble the traditional Pizza Planet truck, but it’s a clever adaptation that fits seamlessly into Elemental’s unique world. While the familiar yellow coloring is mostly absent, the truck retains key design elements that bring the Toyota-based vehicle to life in a fresh way.


The second instance of the Pizza Planet truck’s cameo in Elemental takes place roughly midway through the film. As Ember leaves Fire City to meet Wade and have dinner with his family, her mother, Cinder, follows her to Element City. It’s during this scene, as Cinder approaches a towering apartment building, that the Pizza Planet truck comes into view in the background. Thanks to the convenience of streaming on Disney Plus and knowing where to look, it’s much easier for viewers to spot this time around.

Design Changes to the Pizza Planet Truck in Elemental

To better integrate the Pizza Planet truck into Elemental’s unique setting, Pixar decided to modify its design. The changes were made to ensure the truck harmonized with the look of Element City’s vehicles. In Firetown, the Pizza Planet truck resembles a log delivery vehicle more than a pizza delivery van. However, the alterations to the design cleverly preserve the essence of the Pizza Planet truck. It becomes a Treeyota rather than a Toyota, swaps the rocket topper for a tree stub, and even sports the familiar “How’s my driving?” bumper sticker.

The appearance of the Pizza Planet truck outside Wade’s family’s apartment clearly identifies it as a Pizza Planet vehicle. However, it has transformed into a boat instead of a truck, perfectly suited for the Water District. Given that Element City relies on water transportation instead of roads, the boat design is a clever adaptation. Elemental’s conclusion also features vehicles that resemble boats with wheels for land travel, suggesting that this Pizza Planet boat can serve the entire Element City. This marks the first time the Pizza Planet truck has taken the form of a boat in Pixar’s films.


Continuing Pixar’s Longest Easter Egg Tradition

The presence of the Pizza Planet truck in Elemental reaffirms Pixar’s commitment to its longest-running Easter egg trend. This beloved Toy Story vehicle has made its way into every single Pixar film in some capacity. As Pixar evolves and diversifies, it’s heartwarming to see a nod to the movie that set the studio’s legacy in motion. Elemental, as Pixar’s 27th film, only makes this streak more impressive. Audiences can look forward to future movies, knowing that the Pizza Planet truck will continue to make surprise appearances and keep the tradition alive.

Image Source: Google

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