Uncharted 4 Climbing Got You Down? Discover Jusant’s Thrilling Alternatives!


If you’re anything like me, one of the few complaints about Uncharted 4 was the relentless climbing sequences. The climbing “puzzles,” if you can even call them that, often felt monotonous and uninspiring. While some gamers may have relished these climbing challenges, to me, they became tedious after a while. Uncharted’s strengths undoubtedly lay in its gripping storytelling, compelling characters, and the overall sense of adventure it provided. Sadly, the puzzles and climbing felt more like lackluster speed bumps rather than engaging gameplay elements.

Enter Jusant, an upcoming platformer from the French video game developer DON’T NOD, poised to redefine the art of climbing in video games. The climbing mechanics in Jusant are a revelation, offering an experience that surpasses what Uncharted delivered. However, it’s important to note that Jusant caters to a different audience, one less inclined towards Naughty Dog’s action-packed titles.

Jusant doesn’t involve shooting, fighting, or high-speed chases. It doesn’t rely heavily on character development either, at least not in the initial hours of gameplay. Instead, it’s a solitary, contemplative game—a tranquil and subdued journey.

The world of Jusant is marked by an eerie tranquility. A profound stillness permeates the landscape, and the strange monolith you’re tasked with ascending appears to have once been submerged beneath the sea. Clues of a bygone underwater civilization linger, scattered throughout the sandstone vistas. Yet, like the receded tide, humanity has vanished, leaving only remnants in the form of long-forgotten rooms and cryptic notes.

Jusant beautifully blends platform puzzling with a sense of mystery. It’s a “chill” game that encourages players to relish the vistas, solve climbing puzzles at their own pace, and occasionally face a setback. As your peculiar hero climbs, swings, and clambers, you’ll gradually uncover the secrets of this desolate, arid world once teeming with life.

Early in your journey, you’ll encounter a companion named Ballast, a peculiar spirit formed from the rarest of elements: water. Ballast will unlock new routes, activating desert flora to provide footholds on previously insurmountable heights. (For context, a ballast in a ship is a compartment at the bottom that fills with water to maintain the ship’s balance while afloat.)


However, it’s the meticulously crafted climbing mechanics that truly shine in Jusant. Scaling surfaces requires you to deftly manipulate the left and right triggers to grasp and release handholds. You’ll be equipped with mountaineering gear, and before each ascent, you’ll secure a rope to an anchor. You can strategically add new anchor points during climbs, enabling you to change direction, swing across to distant walls, or rappel in a different direction.

As you ascend, a stamina bar gradually depletes, but replenishing it is as straightforward as pausing to catch your breath. Jusant strikes a balance between challenging puzzles and a relaxed pace, ensuring that the game remains accessible and enjoyable.

This fusion of a rich, atmospheric world—a blend of ancient maritime ruins and towering desert landscapes—and finely tuned climbing mechanics sets Jusant apart as one of the most immersive platformers in recent memory. The hidden paths you’ll uncover as you explore, unraveling mysteries from the desert’s depths, add compelling layers to the gameplay.

Jusant’s beauty lies in its haunting simplicity. Its minimalist approach hints at a world ravaged by a devastating climate apocalypse, a world that’s simultaneously beautiful, peaceful, and as somber as any game you’ll encounter this year.

You can embark on your journey in Jusant this Halloween, available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S, and it will be free on day one with Game Pass. If you’re in search of a unique gaming experience that redefines climbing mechanics and immerses you in a captivating world, don’t miss out on this exhilarating ascent.

Image Source: Google

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