The Day Before: A Disastrous Descent into Gaming Infamy


Five Long Years: The Disastrous Tale of The Day Before

In the world of gaming, promises made and promises broken often determine a title’s fate. The Day Before, developed by the now-defunct FNTASTIC, stands as a stark example of a game that failed to live up to expectations, despite five long years of development.

The Unfulfilled Promises and Broken Dreams

Supposedly an online zombie survival shooter, The Day Before’s early access release revealed a game far removed from its ambitious promises. Not only did it fail to qualify as an MMO, but it also struggled to be recognized as a survival shooter. With a mere weekend of playtime, the disappointment was palpable, compounded by severe performance issues even on high-end hardware.

The Strange Saga Unveiled

The Day Before presents a rudimentary narrative: wake up in a makeshift hospital bed in a New York-inspired metropolis overrun by zombies. However, the lack of depth in its world and unexplained zombie outbreak leave players questioning the purpose of their survival endeavors. The once-promised dynamic environments and intense firefights were notably absent, replaced by a static cityscape that lacked engagement.

UI Woes: A User Interface Nightmare

One of the most surprising aspects was the near absence of a user interface. With a limited touchscreen display for quests and a clunky map navigation system, the game lacked the basics expected in a survival shooter. Even multiplayer features were subpar, with no dedicated menu or voice chat, forcing players to resort to external platforms like Steam or Discord.

The Missing Elements: A Game Stripped to Its Core

Discovering The Day Before’s lack of essential features was a painful revelation. Critical elements like melee combat and open-world camping, promised during development, were nonexistent. The game’s fundamental structure turned out to be a simple extraction shooter, devoid of persistent progression, leaving players with only one goal – accumulate loot and reach extraction points before succumbing to the lifeless city.

A World of Repetition: Lackluster Environments and Monotonous Gameplay

Despite a variety of weapons, the game’s environment offered little diversity. The New Fortune City landscape, a mostly static zone, lacked unique weather effects or compelling landmarks. The absence of unique zombie encounters or bosses further contributed to the repetitive and uninspiring gameplay.

Survival Challenges and Unfair PvP System

Surviving in higher-population servers proved challenging, thanks to limited extraction points and a PvP system prone to exploitation. Unfair encounters at chokepoints often resulted in frustrating setbacks. The existence of an unresolved currency duplication glitch amplified the issue, allowing players to cheat their way to powerful gear.


The Day Before’s Legacy: A Sad Conclusion

As FNTASTIC’s promises crumbled, The Day Before stands as one of the worst games in recent memory. Despite the potential glimpsed in early teasers, the bones of coherence were shattered. With a lifeless map, brainless enemies, exploitable PvP, a pointless story, and infuriating progression, it failed to meet even basic gaming standards.

Conclusion: A Game Lost to Time

As The Day Before’s servers face an inevitable shutdown, players find themselves abandoned in a broken world. Steam diligently refunds those who fell victim to its allure, marking the end of a short-lived and disastrous gaming saga.

Image Source: Google

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