Unmasking the Mystery: Jesse L. Martin’s Character Alec’s Scar in ‘The Irrational’


Unveiling the Origin of Jesse L. Martin’s Character Alec’s Scar in ‘The Irrational’

As you settle in to enjoy Jesse L. Martin’s triumphant return to NBC with the thrilling procedural series ‘The Irrational,’ you’re bound to be captivated by his character, Alec Mercer. Alec is a distinguished behavioral science professor renowned for his remarkable ability to unravel complex psychological conditions, making him an indispensable asset in solving a multitude of criminal mysteries and cases. While much of ‘The Irrational’ delves into solving others’ enigmas, Alec’s own haunting past takes center stage, embodied by a prominent burn scar adorning the right side of his face.

But how did Jesse L. Martin’s character Alec come to acquire this distinctive scar in ‘The Irrational’? Let’s uncover the compelling backstory.

Alec’s Scar: A Reminder of Tragedy

In the series premiere, viewers are enlightened about Alec’s harrowing past. Nearly two decades ago, Alec was entangled in a devastating church bombing that left him permanently scarred. In a poignant moment at the beginning of the episode, Alec shares with his class that his journey to recovery following the accident became a profound source of inspiration for his career as a behavioral scientist and professor.

“I was burned many years ago on over 60 percent of my body,” he recounts, “and for the better part of three years, I was in the hospital with my body covered with bandages, which were changed every day.” Alec’s vivid recollection of the excruciating pain he endured during his recovery serves as a testament to his resilience. This transformative experience fueled his curiosity about the human propensity to make repeated and predictable errors in decision-making, ultimately leading him to embark on a path of research aimed at altering these patterns.

The tragic bombing claimed the lives of 13 individuals, including one of Alec’s dear friends, rendering him the sole survivor. As the pilot episode unfolds, Alec confides in his sister about the suspected bomber’s potential parole. However, the bomber faces charges only for possessing explosives and constructing the bomb. With no eyewitnesses to place him at the crime scene and Alec’s inability to identify him, justice remains elusive.

Alec acknowledges his habit of concocting fictitious stories to explain his scars, citing car accidents, cooking mishaps, or oil burner accidents as cover stories. In reality, these tales serve as a protective shield, concealing a painful truth—his inability to recollect any details about the elusive bomber.


The Hollywood Magic Behind Alec’s Scar

While Jesse L. Martin’s portrayal of Alec Mercer in ‘The Irrational’ features a prominent facial scar, the actor himself does not bear such a scar in real life. The credit for this remarkable transformation goes to Hollywood magic and the collaborative efforts of the production team.

After their collaboration on CW’s ‘The Flash,’ Jesse L. Martin and Candice Stafford-Bridge, the head of the series’ makeup department, teamed up to ensure that Alec’s scar looked convincingly real for the character.

Before the commencement of production, weeks of dedicated research and brainstorming took place. Factors such as Alec’s skin tone, the age of the scars, various lighting conditions during filming, and Jesse Martin’s comfort were meticulously considered. Stafford-Bridge elaborates on the process, revealing that the team explored numerous ideas and even consulted with digital artists to create different scar looks.

While their initial vision involved covering half of Martin’s face with prosthetics, practical challenges, such as facial hair and the actor’s ability to speak and move naturally, prompted adjustments. The final result is Alec’s distinctive scar, achieved through a combination of three custom-made prosthetic pieces that extend across his neck and cheek, complemented by expertly applied special effects makeup.

The transformation process, which initially required four hours, has been streamlined to no more than an hour and a half. The collaborative effort between the actor, makeup department, and executive producer Arika Lisanne Mittman played a pivotal role in bringing this character to life authentically.


A Rewarding Collaboration

Stafford-Bridge emphasizes the value of actor involvement in the creative process, describing it as “very rewarding.” Having an actor like Jesse L. Martin, who actively engages and contributes to the transformation, adds a layer of excitement to the makeup process. Despite the inherent challenges of applying prosthetics early in the morning, actor enthusiasm and involvement make the experience enjoyable for all.

In conclusion, Jesse L. Martin’s portrayal of Alec Mercer in ‘The Irrational’ showcases the incredible synergy between creative talent and Hollywood’s transformative capabilities. The character’s scar serves as a poignant symbol of resilience, inspiring both viewers and professionals alike in the world of entertainment.

Image Source: Google

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