Devastating Floods in Northeastern Libya Leave Thousands Presumed Dead and Missing


In a heart-wrenching tragedy, more than 5,000 people are presumed dead, and an additional 10,000 are missing after heavy rains unleashed havoc in northeastern Libya, causing the collapse of two dams. The catastrophe has further exacerbated an already inundated region, leaving communities in despair.

Tamer Ramadan, the head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies delegation in Libya, shared these grim statistics during a briefing in Geneva, Switzerland, expressing the enormity of the death toll. However, it’s important to note that CNN has not independently verified these numbers.


The devastating impact of the floods has been particularly felt in the northeastern city of Derna, where as many as 6,000 people remain unaccounted for. Othman Abduljalil, the health minister in Libya’s eastern administration, described the situation as “catastrophic” as he surveyed the city, which has seen entire neighborhoods washed away.

The scale of the disaster has overwhelmed local resources. Hospitals in Derna are no longer operational, and morgues are full to capacity. In a distressing sight, dead bodies have been left outside morgues on sidewalks, highlighting the dire circumstances.


Relatives of those affected by the catastrophe are living in fear and uncertainty, with communications disrupted. Many have been unable to contact their loved ones in the devastated city of Derna, leading to profound anguish.

The torrential rain that led to this catastrophic flooding is attributed to a potent low-pressure system, which previously caused catastrophic flooding in Greece before developing into a tropical-like cyclone. Climate scientists have noted that rising ocean temperatures are intensifying such storms, making them more ferocious.

Libya’s vulnerability to extreme weather events is compounded by its long-standing political conflict, which has hindered disaster preparedness and response efforts. The complex political landscape poses challenges for coordinating rescue operations and maintaining critical infrastructure such as dams.


The collapse of two dams has been a significant factor in the scale of destruction, with entire neighborhoods being swept away. Rescue efforts are hindered by downed phone lines and difficult access to affected areas.

This catastrophe is considered one of the deadliest on record in North Africa, and the situation is described as “unprecedented.” Tens of thousands of military personnel have been deployed, but many flood-stricken regions remain inaccessible to emergency workers.

Several countries and humanitarian organizations have offered aid to Libya as they grapple with the aftermath of this disaster. The International Rescue Committee (IRC) has declared it an “unprecedented humanitarian crisis.” Climate change, coupled with years of conflict and instability, has compounded the challenges faced by Libya.

As the world grapples with an increasing number of climate-related disasters, it is imperative to address the urgent need for climate action and disaster preparedness, especially in regions prone to extreme weather events.

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