Rep. Lauren Boebert’s Public Apology: A Night at Beetlejuice Gone Wrong


Republican Representative Lauren Boebert is making headlines once again, but this time it’s not for her political views. Boebert has issued a public apology for her behavior during a performance of “Beetlejuice” at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts (DCPA) last weekend.

In a prepared statement released on Friday, Boebert expressed regret for the incident that led to her being escorted out of the theater. She acknowledged that the past few days had been difficult and humbling, offering an apology to the community for the unwanted attention her actions had brought.

Boebert attributed part of her behavior to the ongoing upheaval in her personal life, particularly her challenging divorce proceedings. She admitted falling short of her own values on that fateful Sunday evening and declared it as unacceptable.

The incident at the theater involved numerous complaints from patrons who alleged that Boebert and her companion were causing a disturbance. Witnesses reported vaping, singing loudly, and using phones during the show. Surveillance video captured the moment when both individuals were escorted out of the theater by DCPA staff.

Furthermore, an incident report by a Denver Police officer who responded to the scene revealed that one of the individuals involved had made comments along the lines of “do you know who I am” and “I will be contacting the mayor” before agreeing to leave the theater.


Initially, when news of the incident surfaced, Boebert attempted to downplay it with humor, mentioning that she had enjoyed the show and pleaded guilty to laughing and singing too loudly. She encouraged others to see the production.

However, Boebert and her staff spent the week disputing allegations that she had vaped during the performance. This claim was refuted when additional surveillance footage emerged, showing her using an object beneath her seat, followed by a visible cloud of vapor or smoke.

In her statement, Boebert admitted that she genuinely did not recall vaping that evening when discussing the events with her campaign team. She acknowledged that her belief was inaccurate and clarified that it was not her or her campaign’s intention to mislead. She recognized the public perception of the situation.

Boebert concluded her statement by expressing her commitment to earning back the public’s trust.

This incident marks the second time Boebert has had to issue a public apology while in office. During her first term, she apologized to the Muslim community after a video surfaced of her making a joke about Representative Ilhan Omar being a terrorist.

Boebert, currently in her second term, faces a challenging political landscape. She narrowly won her first reelection by just 546 votes and is now a major target for Democrats in the upcoming election. With several Democratic opponents and Republican primary challengers, her political future remains uncertain.

Image Source: Google

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