Spokane Mayor Nadine Woodward Honors 9/11 Victims with Flag Tribute on Patriot Day


Spokane Mayor Nadine Woodward Pays Tribute on Patriot Day

Spokane, Washington – On Monday, September 11th, Spokane Mayor Nadine Woodward issued a heartfelt directive that all flags at City facilities be lowered to half-staff. This solemn act of remembrance is in observance of Patriot Day, an annual memorial dedicated to the victims of the tragic September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

“Today marks the 22nd anniversary of 9/11,” Mayor Woodward solemnly stated. “It has become a day of remembrance and service in honor of those who lost their lives, their grieving loved ones, and the heroic first responders who selflessly rushed to aid. Together, as a community and a nation, we will never forget.”

Patriot Day holds deep significance in the hearts of Americans, serving as a poignant reminder of the devastating events that unfolded on that fateful day. It is a day when communities come together to reflect on the lives lost, the resilience displayed, and the enduring spirit of unity.

Mayor Woodward’s call to lower flags to half-staff is a symbolic gesture that resonates with the community. It serves as a collective expression of respect and remembrance for the victims and heroes of 9/11. In unity, Spokane residents are encouraged to participate in this tribute by lowering flags at their homes and businesses.

As Patriot Day unfolds, let us all take a moment to honor the memory of those we lost on September 11, 2001. Together, we pay our respects and ensure that their legacy lives on in our hearts and in the fabric of our great nation.

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