Teenage Escape: Dramatic Capture of 9 Juvenile Detention Center Runaways


Teenage Escape: Juvenile Detention Center Runaways Captured

In a dramatic turn of events, all nine teenagers who had escaped from a juvenile detention center in Morgantown, Pennsylvania, have been successfully captured after an intense multiagency search. The escape triggered school closures and warnings to the surrounding community, sparking a widespread effort to bring the runaways to justice.

The teenagers, aged between 15 and 17, executed their escape by overpowering two prison employees and confiscating their keys, according to David Beohm, a spokesperson for the Pennsylvania State Police troop in Reading.

Four of the escapees were located after they knocked on a homeowner’s door early on Monday, displaying signs of exhaustion and surrender. “They were done, they were tired, they were cold,” stated Beohm during a news conference.

The remaining five teenagers opted for a different approach, stealing a vehicle and leading police on a pursuit. Eventually, four of them were captured, while the fifth attempted to evade capture by fleeing into a field, only to be apprehended shortly after.

The escapees had made an earlier attempt to break into a car between midnight and 1 a.m., which alerted homeowners. Their actions, which included breaking a car window, triggered car lights and caused them to flee the scene.

Remarkably, all nine teenagers were captured within approximately four miles of the detention center, and none resisted arrest. Beohm confirmed that the teens would face charges for their escape and any crimes committed during the incident.


A coordinated effort involving approximately 60 individuals, including state and local police, played a crucial role in the successful capture. The search also utilized K-9 units and drones to assist in locating the escapees.

The Abraxas Academy juvenile detention center, where the escape occurred, is situated roughly 15 miles west of South Coventry Township. The recent incident brought back memories of another high-profile capture in the area when escaped murder convict Danilo Cavalcante was apprehended just two weeks prior.

Authorities once again urged residents to remain vigilant, secure their properties, and remove car keys from vehicles. The nearby Twin Valley School District took precautions by closing for the day.

Beohm noted that at least two of the teens appeared “weary and dirty” upon their return to custody. The wooded surroundings where they had fled to were vastly different from the urban environment most of them were accustomed to.

The escape from the detention center was a coordinated effort by the teenagers, who managed to acquire keys and exit the facility, possibly by going under the facility’s fence.

“They were working in cahoots with each other to accomplish this goal,” emphasized Beohm.

State and local law enforcement quickly responded to the situation, eventually regaining control of the juvenile detention center. This incident was described as more of a disturbance than a riot, contrasting with a serious incident at the facility in July, where 50 teenagers were involved in a riot. However, the July incident had a massive police response, and no escape attempts were made.

The Abraxas Academy serves as a “secure residential treatment program” catering to delinquent male youth aged 14 to 18 in 9th grade or above. It provides specialized care for those with histories of delinquent and sexual offending behaviors.

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