Tragedy Strikes Prague: University Shooting Leaves 14 Dead and Several Injured


In a shocking turn of events, Prague witnessed one of its darkest days as a 24-year-old student opened fire at Charles University, leaving at least 14 people dead and 25 wounded, including three foreigners. Explore the latest details surrounding the tragedy, the ongoing investigation, and the global outpouring of condolences.

The Horrific Incident Unfolds:

The mass shooting occurred in the philosophy department building of Charles University, shaking the city to its core. Prague Police Chief Martin Vondrasek confirmed that the shooter, also a student at the university, took his own life after the attack. The authorities have identified 13 of the victims, with fears that the death toll could rise.

Global Impact and Condolences:

Leaders from various countries, including the United States, expressed their condolences, emphasizing the global impact of this tragic event. The U.N Secretary-General joined in conveying heartfelt sympathies, underlining the need for unity in the face of such senseless violence.

Investigation Update and Motive:

As investigators work tirelessly to uncover the motives behind the shooting, Minister Vit Rakusan assured that there are no indications of extremist ideologies or group involvement. The police believe the gunman, who legally owned multiple firearms, had no accomplices. The shooter is suspected of killing his father earlier that day and is linked to a separate incident on December 15 involving the deaths of a man and his 2-month-old daughter.


National Mourning and Security Measures:

The Czech government declared Saturday a national day of mourning to honor the victims. Meanwhile, authorities have increased security at schools and other public facilities, acknowledging the need for preventive measures. University rectors are collaborating with police experts to enhance campus security and prevent future incidents.

Prague Reacts to the Tragedy:

Jan Palach Square, typically a bustling tourist area near Prague’s Old Town, became a scene of chaos and terror. The university building, with a view of Prague Castle, was evacuated, and police conducted thorough searches for explosives. Witness accounts and social media posts captured the fear and confusion that gripped the city during the shooting.


As Prague grapples with the aftermath of this senseless act of violence, the global community stands united in mourning. Stay tuned for further updates on the investigation, and join us in extending heartfelt condolences to the victims’ families.

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