Congresswoman Norton’s Bill Aims to Protect D.C. Agencies During Federal Government Shutdowns


In a proactive move to safeguard the operations of key District of Columbia agencies during federal government shutdowns, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) has reintroduced a vital bill. This bill is designed to exempt agencies that exclusively handle D.C. matters, are primarily funded by the federal government, and are not under the District’s control from the adverse effects of federal government shutdowns. The primary objective is to ensure the continuity of critical criminal and civil justice services provided by these agencies for the safety and well-being of D.C. residents.

The agencies covered by this bill include:

  1. Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for D.C.
  2. D.C. Courts
  3. D.C. Public Defender Service
  4. D.C. Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure
  5. D.C. Judicial Nomination Commission
  6. D.C. Criminal Justice Coordinating Council

These agencies play a pivotal role in the local justice system and have jurisdiction solely over District of Columbia matters. While they receive federal funding, they are essentially D.C. agencies with no direct involvement in federal issues or congressional shutdown matters.

Congresswoman Norton firmly believes that the District should not be entangled in the shutdown fights that pertain to federal issues, given its status as a local jurisdiction. Therefore, these agencies should be shielded from the impacts of federal government shutdowns.

Over the years, since the federal government shutdown of 2013, Congresswoman Norton has consistently advocated for provisions that exempt the D.C. government from federal government shutdowns. Her dedication to ensuring the stability of essential services for D.C. residents remains unwavering.


In introducing this bill, Congresswoman Norton emphasizes its importance in protecting the following agencies from the repercussions of federal government shutdowns:

  • Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for D.C.: This agency oversees probation and parole services in the District, ensuring the supervision of offenders and promoting public safety.
  • D.C. Courts: Responsible for maintaining the District’s judicial system, including trial courts, family courts, and appellate courts, to uphold justice for D.C. residents.
  • D.C. Public Defender Service: Providing legal defense for individuals who cannot afford representation in criminal cases, safeguarding their rights and ensuring fair trials.
  • D.C. Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure: Responsible for addressing ethical concerns and ensuring the integrity of the District’s judiciary.
  • D.C. Judicial Nomination Commission: Playing a crucial role in the nomination and selection of judges for D.C. courts, maintaining a fair and effective judiciary.
  • D.C. Criminal Justice Coordinating Council: Coordinating efforts to enhance public safety and improve the criminal justice system in the District.

These agencies have previously suffered from federal government shutdowns, resulting in canceled services and furloughed employees. Congresswoman Norton’s bill aims to prevent such disruptions, allowing these agencies to continue functioning even during federal government shutdowns.

The bill represents a significant step toward securing the provision of critical local services and maintaining the safety and well-being of D.C. residents. It aligns with Congresswoman Norton’s ongoing efforts to protect the District from the impacts of federal government shutdowns, ensuring that essential services are not compromised.

As this bill takes center stage in Congress, it remains crucial for lawmakers to support this initiative, recognizing its significance in safeguarding the stability and continuity of essential local services in the District of Columbia.

Image Source: Google

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