Trump’s Dinner Chat: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Push for Biden’s Impeachment


Picture this: A sweeping patio overlooking a golf course at a private club in Bedminster, New Jersey. Former President Donald J. Trump enjoys a Sunday night dinner with a close political ally, Marjorie Taylor Greene. But this wasn’t just a casual gathering; it was an opportunity for Ms. Greene to discuss a matter of great interest to Mr. Trump – the House Republicans’ push to impeach his likely opponent in the next year’s election, President Joe Biden.

Over plates of halibut and Diet Cokes, Ms. Greene shared her impeachment strategy with the former president. In a brief phone interview, she stated, “I did brief him on the strategy that I want to see laid out with impeachment.”

This dinner meeting occurred just two nights before Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced the opening of an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, responding to intense pressure from the party’s right flank.

In recent months, Mr. Trump has closely monitored House Republicans’ momentum toward impeaching President Biden. He regularly consulted with members of the ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus and other congressional Republicans who advocated for impeachment. He openly encouraged their efforts, both publicly and privately.


Ms. Greene, who had introduced articles of impeachment against President Biden, expressed her desire for the impeachment inquiry to be “long and excruciatingly painful for Joe Biden.” While she did not reveal Mr. Trump’s response, she aimed to compile a “long list of names” she claimed were co-conspirators involved in alleged Biden family crimes. She voiced her confidence in Mr. Trump’s potential return to the White House in 2024 and her intent to pursue legal action against those individuals through the Department of Justice.

It’s important to note that, despite legal actions against Hunter Biden, House Republicans have not presented evidence of President Biden’s direct involvement in any criminal activities related to his son’s financial matters or foreign deals.

Mr. Trump also maintained regular contact with Representative Elise Stefanik of New York, the third-ranking House Republican. Ms. Stefanik briefed Mr. Trump on the impeachment inquiry strategy and received his appreciation for her public support of the inquiry in July. She continued to keep him updated on the developments.

Although Mr. Trump eagerly anticipated the inquiry, insiders stated that he did not apply pressure to Speaker McCarthy regarding impeachment. Instead, he focused more on efforts to expunge his own impeachment record by urging Congress to remove his two impeachments from the House record.


Despite concerns that the impeachment effort might backfire and benefit President Biden, Mr. Trump remained untroubled. He expressed his astonishment at the lack of progress on impeaching President Biden once he learned that the House had returned to session.

In the realm of public commentary, Mr. Trump’s stance on a potential Biden impeachment transitioned from wistful musings to explicit demands. He voiced frustration over what he perceived as inaction by the Justice Department regarding President Biden’s alleged wrongdoing.

As the months passed, Mr. Trump’s urgency to impeach President Biden grew, culminating in all-cap messages on his social media platform, Truth Social, demanding action from congressional Republicans.

The possibility of impeaching President Biden has become a central theme in Trump’s post-presidential narrative, as he continually presses for accountability and action.

Image Source: Google

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